Find out just who exactly you are renting your property to. Be Sure – Be Tenant-sure.
Unfortunately, landlords must occasionally deal with bad tenants, who need to be evicted from a property. This could be due to damage caused to the building, lack of payment of rent, or many other reasons.
The process of evicting a tenant can, if handled by the wrong people, be a long, drawn-out process which can cost a large amount of money at the end. Whilst this is ongoing, the property is still occupied by the problem tenant, and will continue to cost even more money as time goes by.
As well as this, searching for the ‘right’ agency to evict a tenant can take a lot of time, and even then discovering which ones can live up to their promises is often a trial and error style process.
Fortunately, Debt Collection Bristol provides a completely free tenant eviction agency referral service. Offered to both businesses and individuals alike, the service offers recommendations on trusted, award-winning tenant eviction agencies who have a proven track record of providing a low-cost, effective and fast solutions.
Tenant Eviction Service – What Our Partners Offer
- Tenant ID Verification
- Bankruptcy & IVA Search
- Search for CCJ’s, Enforcement Orders etc
- Verify previous addresses
- Provides Peace of Mind
Tenant Eviction Service
The vast majority of tenant eviction services involve extensive processes, which take a large amount of time to complete. During this time, a landlord or property owner will be constantly losing more and more money, and this does not take the cost of repairs or sourcing another tenant into account.
Debt Collection Bristol has hand-picked the best tenant eviction agencies in the area, working only with those who provide a fully transparent, cost-effective, and swift service. Our service is completely free and open to anyone, business or individual alike.
Many of our partners provide a swift, professional 4 step process which comprises of legal notices (such as a letter of intended action or a section 21 notice), court action, and the eviction service itself. All of this is handled by a professional agency, who has been chosen for the recognised reputation and professional ability to carry out this service.
Tenant Checking Service
As well as this, our partners also provide tenant check services, which help landlords vet new tenants before they accept them into their property. This is a critical point in the letting process, as many landlords are eager to re-occupy a home following an eviction. Using a tenant checking service is the best way to lower the risk of having a similar tenant in the property after successfully resolving the first incident.
Together with the tenant eviction service in Bristol, our award-winning partners offer a complete service which helps landlords maintain a secure income.
Featured Tenant Eviction Service Agency Partner
Tenantsure can help secure possession of your property quickly. Their Simple Low-Cost Tenant Eviction service delivers results. They specialise in dealing with Fast Tenant Evictions. Their simple 4 step Tenant eviction service is Pay-As-You-Go
Tenantsure is a Professional and DIrect Tenant Eviction service. Non paying Tenants is a problem no Landlord wants. Their service is designed to keep things simple.