How to trace absconded tenants quickly and efficiently on a “no trace – no fee” basis.
Locating absconded commercial or private tenants is a top priority for many landlords in the UK. There are millions of pounds worth of unpaid rent, and for landlords and property owners in Bristol, this is a huge ongoing issue.
In the past, many landlords would simply write off a debt owed by a previous tenant, but as the financial climate changes, it is unfeasible to do this going forward.
Debt Collection Bristol offers a free tenant tracing agency referral service, which recommends the leading track and trace companies in Bristol to our clients. Our partners are all hand-picked by our in-house experts, who select the best tracing agencies with the highest success rates, best ratings and most professional service levels.
What Our Partners Can Track and Trace For You
- Absconded tenants
- Missing relatives or Friends
- Tracing ‘gone away’ debtors
- Non-CSA paying parents
- It’s Fast & Easy
How To Trace Absconded Tenants
Our award-winning partners offer a quick and effective ‘no find, no fee’ service, ideal for landlords who are owed thousands from a commercial or domestic tenant who has left the property and is unreachable.
The tenant tracking service which our partners offer is extremely reliable and effective and negates the need to independently hire private investigators or spurious trace agencies. Many of these ask for hefty fees upfront, regardless of a successful outcome or not.
Our partners regularly trace:
- Absconded Debtors
- Missing Persons
- Absent Parents
- Lost relatives
- CSA Payment evaders
Featured Track and Trace Agency Partner

Tracesure’s unique ‘no trace – no fee’ services, is used by thousands of entities across the UK, EU and even further afield to search for and locate individuals not wishing to be found or that have simply relocated without informing the relevant parties or even family members.
Tracesure can track down the most elusive of people using their specialist resources and network of field contacts.